Recording, annotation and analysis for...
A super simple tool for solos and small teams conducting interviews, note-taking meetings or annotating audio of any kind.
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What You Can Do With Yleos

"I love how Yleos connects my discussion guide and notes with each recording, it's so easy to refer back and find the insights I need."
Dr. Andrew Muir Wood, Discovery Researcher
All the features but no fluff and limited storage:
⌛3 projects
⌛10 interviews
Delete and reuse interview slots!
Help docs and customer service. 😬
Safe secure, and free to try. Give it a whirl!
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All the features with unlimited use!
✅ Unlimited projects
✅ Unlimited interviews
This plan funds new features!
Faster customer service and project assistance. 😁
9 GBP a month because it's worth it! 👇
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